Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Continuing with T Mobile Prepaid purchasing flows..Users that bringing their own purchased devices to access T Mobiles network makes up a substantial customer base. The BYOD was performing baldy along with the previous overall purchase flow so one that was

like many of the previous pages, the BYOD flow was squeezed into a single page possibly for dev convenience. This leaves users to find their way around the UI. BYOD requires some knowledge about the customer’s device and how to test the compatibility and that knowledge base was missing in the old pages. Plus the general purchase flow had similar issues so once that was solved BYOD spills right into the plan purchase flow for a UX overhaul.

Create a BYOD UX that:

Provides information on how to check for compatibility between the device and the TMO Network
Provide knowledge about the different SIM cards and what they provide for the customer.
Guides users to the next step in purchasing their SIM cards and Plans.

How to Connect to the TMO Network | Conceptual Model

To level set with the team I drew a concept model to understand how customers tap into the T Mobile network SIM card to communicate with T Mobile based on the plan of account.

These models help with the content strategy information, the user needs to understand before making a SIM card purchase. what distinguishes an eSIM and pSIM what plans are available based on device compatibility.

An eSIM (embedded SIM) is one that is installed on a chip that is permanently attached to the circuits inside the device. A pSIM (physical SIM) card is a card that is inserted into the device. Unlike a pSIM card, and eSIM does not need to be installed or swapped.

BYOD User flow

I designed a user for entering an IMEI to test phone compatibility. I realized users need to understand what, and how to access the IMEI, and how compatibility impacts the device performance. There are different types of device compatibility; fully compatible, partial, and not compatible.

Phone Compatibility Wireflow

For a better visual representation I used wires to get by in from more business-oriented stakeholders (regular user flows can make some people zone out)

Based on the type of compatibility users go down different baths and receive certain SIM cards. eSIM, pSIM or both.

with the flow mapped out and following the Mobile-first approach, I designed verticles to map out the flow from entering the IMEI number to selecting the desired sim type.

Because buying a SIM card is not the same as other Phone devices the goal is to inform and move along.
Inform the user about how to test the network, the status of network compatibility and what types of SIM cards that are available for purchase.



